General issues
What is WhitePage Generator
WhitePage Generator is an online tool that allows you to create professional web pages quickly and without the need for programming knowledge.
How does the WhitePage Generator work?
You just need to choose a template, customize it to your needs using our user-friendly interface and publish the result. We take care of all technical details.
What templates are available in WhitePage Generator?
We offer a wide selection of templates for various types of sites: business sites, portfolios, blogs, online stores and many others.
Can I edit the HTML/CSS code of the page?
Our generator is designed to create pages without the need for coding, however we offer the ability to edit the code for more experienced users.
Is it possible to integrate with social networks?
Yes, you can easily integrate your pages with various social networks.
Payment and subscription
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept almost all types of cryptocurrencies.
Refund Policy
Can I get a refund for my purchase?
No, there are no refunds for purchasing Web Page Generator services. Please make sure our services meet your needs.
Why don't you provide refunds?
We are confident in the quality of our services and offer you the opportunity to test them before purchasing. No returns help us maintain high quality service and fair pricing for all users.
Technical support
How can I contact technical support?
You can contact our support team through the feedback form on our website or Telegram account @trafficgatesupport
What time is the support service open?
Our support team works 24/7 so you can get help at any time convenient for you.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team. We are always happy to help!